Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Scanner Project


  1. I love the third cup and plate one! The reflection is really cool and I love the placement of the cup in your hand in comparison to the plate. Compositionally it's a really interesting photo.

  2. I like the piggy bank upside down with the coins, its whimsical and playful as they are "suspended" in mid air

  3. I like the pig with money,because it looks like coins are falling from the pig!

  4. the sixth photo down is my favorite. i love the subtle reflection of the cup on the saucer and the motion of it all.

  5. I like the last one. I like the shape of your hair and how clear your face is.

  6. I really like the third cup and plate one! It is so playful and the reflective quality is really cool.

  7. I like the last one in the series with the purple hair. Very expressive!

  8. I love the last one. I cant get over how awesome your hair looks.

  9. I love the third cup and saucer one! The contrast is gorgeous and I think it could make an amazing cyanotype.

  10. The first photo with the hands, tea cup and plate are do elegant and for some reason the strike me as the most interesting photo in the series. I don't know why but I think you should make this one into a cyannotype.

  11. The first photo with the hands, tea cup and plate are do elegant and for some reason the strike me as the most interesting photo in the series. I don't know why but I think you should make this one into a cyannotype.
